Kenneth EZUKWOKE, Ph.D

Data Scientist- GenAI @Datategy (🇫🇷) | Visiting Lecturer Mines-Saint-Étienne & Évry Paris-Saclay

I am a Data Scientist (GenAI | LLM | Agent) at Datategy (🇫🇷), where I contribute to the development of the papAI-GenAI product. In this role, I am also actively engaged in computer vision projects, including Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and 2D-3D Pose Estimation.
This comes after recently obtaining a Ph.D in Applied Mathematics-GenAI and Industrial Engineering from École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne (Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, Institute Henri Fayol), working on Artificial Intelligence for Failure Analysis in Semiconductor Industry 4.0. An industrial collaboration with STMicroelectronics, Bosch, and Infineon AG under the FA4.0 EURIPIDES2-PENTA project.
My Ph.D research focused on improving Generative Artificial intelligence via Probabilistic Graphical Modeling with Causal Large Language Models (LLMs), for decision-making during Failure Root Cause Analysis (FRCA). Advised by Professor Mireille Batton-Hubert, Professor Xavier Boucher (both from EMSE) and Pascal Gounet and Jerome Adrian (both Physical Failure Analyst Engineers, STMicroelectronics). I obtained a dual M.S. degree in Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM)-Computer science from Université Jean Monnet and a B.S. degree in Computer Application at Vels University, Chennai, India. My experiences ranges from applied ML (ML from scratch), data analysis to python development working with IFP Energies nouvelles, Wölfel Engineering GmBH and VISTAS, as well as supervising a UNESCO AI project.
In addition to my current role at Datategy, I serve as a visiting lecturer at both École des Mines, Saint-Étienne, where I deliver lectures on Big Data, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Language Models (LLMs) to third-year engineering and Master’s in Mathematics students and Université Évry Paris-Saclay, where I deliver lectures on Data Science to Masters students.

Awards and Grants

  • (2024) Recipient of the CIFAR Inclusive AI Scholarship, Toronto, Canada
  • (2020) Top 10 of 100+ teams, AIRBUS Anomaly detection challenge, France
  • (2019) Summer Grant, ACM SIGCHI Summer Grant, Spain
  • (2019) Student Research Grant, UCL QATAR
  • (2018) First Class Distinction, VISTAS, India
  • (2017) GOOGLE developer challenge scholarship, UDACITY Europe


  • [04/08/25] Participating in the IAIFI Summer School on AI for Physics, IAIFI Summer School, Harvard, Cambridge (MA), USA
  • [12/03/25] Participation au SĂ©minaire IA GĂ©nĂ©ratives, Promesses et DĂ©fis, CSI CNRS-INS2I, CNRS, Paris
  • [04/02/25] Attending CIFAR Virtual Talks on AI Safety, CIFAR Talk on AI Safety, Online
  • [10/12/24] Attending NeurIPS 2024 Workshops, NeurIPS Workshops, Online
  • [03/12/24] Participating in APidays 2024- The Future API Stack for Mass Innovation, APidays, Paris
  • [03/12/24] Frugal AI Challenge, Paris Meetup (pre-event launch), Frugal AI Challenge, Paris
  • [12/11/24] Neo4j Live HybridAGI – Graph-Powered, Self-Programmable AI, Self-Programmable AI, Online
  • [15/10/24] DATA FOR AI REAL-TIME, BATCH, AND LLM at FEATURE STORE SUMMIT 2024, Feature Store Summit, Online
  • [24/09/24] Attending the NLP Summit- Applied Generative AI and Language Processing, John Snow Labs, Online
  • [18/09/24] Participating in the NVIDIA Partner Expert Program-Industry Solutions Masterclass, NVIDIA, Paris, FR
  • [08/07/24] Unavailable to Participate in the CIFAR DLRL Summer School, CIFAR, Toronto, CA
  • [25/05/24] Participating in the Mistral AI Paris Hackathon, DEVPOST-Mistral, STATION F, FR
  • [11/03/24] Attending the GDR RADIA-ONERA Seminar on Decentralized Approaches for Multi-agent and Multi-mode Task Allocation, GDR-IA, Online
  • [29/08/23] Attending the 2nd Neuro-Symbolic AI Summer School 2023, NeSy, Online
  • [27/03/23] Participating in Business Study Week in Data Sciences by GDR CNRS MaDICS, SEEDS@MaDICS, Univ. of Tech. Troyes, FR
  • [21/02/23] Participating in AI & Machine Learning in the Enterprise, DATASCIENCESALON, Austin, TX (USA)/ Online
  • [23/01/23] Attending the IBM Neuro-Symbolic AI Workshop, IBM Neuro-Symbolic AI, THINKLAB , Virtual
  • [26/10/22] Attending the 7th International Conference on Belief Functions, BELIEF 2022, Paris, FR
  • [01/08/22] Participating in NSF-IAIFI PhD Summer Workshop, IAIFI Workshop, MIT (USA)/Online
  • [24/07/22] Participating in DeepLearn 2022 Summer School, DeepLearn-22, Gran-Canaria, ES
  • [27/06/22] Attending Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle, PFIA 2022, Saint-Étienne, FR
  • [07/06/22] Attending the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems, ICPRS-22, Saint-Étienne, FR/Online
  • [25/04/22] Attending the 10th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR-22, Virtual
  • [28/03/22] Attending the 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, AISTATS-22, Virtual


  • [21/01/25] At École supĂ©rieure d'ingĂ©nieurs LĂ©onard- de-Vinci On "Shaping the future of industrial decision-making for semiconductor manufacturing with Artificial Intelligence", Nantes
  • [20/01/25] At Écoles des Mines Saint-Étienne On "Shaping the future of industrial decision-making with Artificial Intelligence, A research-industry perspective", Saint-Étienne

Preprints, Journal and Conference Papers

  1. Ezukwoke, K., Hoayek, A., Batton-Hubert, M., & Boucher, X. (2022). GCVAE: Generalized-Controllable Variational AutoEncoder. arXiv.
  2. Ezukwoke, K., Hoayek, A., Batton-Hubert, M., Boucher, X., Gounet, P., & Adrian, J. (2022). Leveraging Pre-trained Models for Failure Analysis Triplets Generation. arXiv.
  1. Ezukwoke, K., Hoayek, A., Batton-Hubert, M., Boucher, X., Gounet, P., & Adrian, J. (2024). Big GCVAE: decision-making with adaptive transformer model for failure root cause analysis in semiconductor industry. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.
  2. Wang, Z., Ezukwoke, K., Hoayek, A., Batton-Hubert, M., & Boucher, X. (2023). Natural language processing (NLP) and association rules (AR)-based knowledge extraction for intelligent fault analysis: a case study in semiconductor industry. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.
  3. Rammal, A., Ezukwoke, K., Hoayek, A., & Batton-Hubert, M. (2023). Root cause prediction for failures in semiconductor industry, a genetic algorithm–machine learning approach. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 4934.
  4. Rammal, A., Ezukwoke, K., Hoayek, A., & Batton-Hubert, M. (2023). Unsupervised approach for an optimal representation of the latent space of a failure analysis dataset. The Journal of Supercomputing, 1–27.
  5. Ezukwoke, K. I., & Zareian, S. J. (2021). Online Learning and Active Learning: A Comparative Study of Passive-Aggressive Algorithm With Support Vector Machine (SVM). Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 21(3).
  1. Wang, Z., Ezukwoke, K., Hoayek, A., Batton-Hubert, M., & Boucher, X. (2022). NLP based on GCVAE for intelligent Fault Analysis in Semiconductor industry. IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 1–8.
  2. Rammal, A., Ezukwoke, K., Hoayek, A., & Batton-Hubert, M. (2022). Unsupervised Variable Selection Using a Genetic Algorithm: An Application to Textual Data. IEEE International Conference on Smart Systems and Power Management (IC2SPM), 11–19.
  3. Ezukwoke, K., Toubakh, H., Hoayek, A., Batton-Hubert, M., Boucher, X., & Gounet, P. (2021). Intelligent Fault Analysis Decision Flow in Semiconductor Industry 4.0 Using Natural Language Processing with Deep Clustering. IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 429–436.
  4. Ezukwoke, K., Hoayek, A., Batton-Hubert, M., Boucher, X., & Gounet, P. (2021). β-Variational AutoEncoder and Gaussian Mixture Model for Fault Analysis Decision Flow in Semiconductor Industry 4.0. ENBIS 2021 Spring Meeting. Poster.

Regular and Invited talks

  1. Ezukwoke, K., Hoayek, A., Batton-Hubert, M., & Boucher, X. (2022). Artificial intelligence for Fault Analysis in Semiconductor Industry. Highlight: Generalized-Controllable Variational AutoEncoder (GCVAE). Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle (PFIA-22).
  1. Ezukwoke, K., Hoayek, A., Batton-Hubert, M., & Boucher, X. (2022). Deep Generative Model. Highlight: Generalized-Controllable Variational AutoEncoder (GCVAE). Seminar at GMI/DSI-LIMOS/MAAD-LIMOS, Mines Saint-Étienne.


  • Lecturer (Teaching Fellow), École des Mines de Saint-Étienne (EMSE)
    • Mathematical methods for large dimensions (Big data clustering) – 2022, 2023
    • Mathematical methods for large dimensions (Introduction to Natural Language Processing) – 2022, 2023
  • Teaching Assistant, École des Mines de Saint-Étienne (EMSE)
    • Deep Learning (introducton to deep learning based on Tensorflow library) practical class – 2021
    • Numerical Methods (construction and testing of the Finite Difference solver) practical class – 2021, 2022, 2023.


  • Reviewer
  • Volunteering
    • (April 25-29, 2022) The 10th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR-22), Virtual
    • (March 28-30, 2022) The 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS-22), Virtual
    • (Aug. 23-27, 2021) IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE-21), Lyon, FR
    • (April 13-15, 2021) The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS-21), Virtual
  • Mentoring
    • (Oct. 2020 - 2021) Mentor on AI for Coral Reef Conservation in the Vamizi Island, Mozambique (AI for Coral Reef)
  • Affiliations
